As the first agri-marketing services firm with a website on the Internet, CCI Marketing is known as the leader in digital electronic communications in agriculture.
CCI Marketing centers around helping agribusinesses more effectively promote and market their products and services digitally to farmers, ranchers, and growers via satellite, the Internet, CD-ROM, and webcasting.
200,000 Top Grower and Rancher E-Mail Database Rental
2,000,000 Farmer and Rancher Print Database Rental
Database development, management, and demographic enhancement and confirmation services
Let us help you compare, combine, enhance existing databases
And then access the combined new data
'in-house' utilizing our proprietary AgNewsCenter distribution and database management tool
For the past 15 years, CCI, Inc., has been collecting name, demographic, e-mail and mailing addresses from a wide variety of cooperating agriculture companies, in order to provide a distribution service that is unparalleled in the agriculture industry.
Currently consisting of more than 200,000 US farm producers, the distribution service offers standard agri-marketing demographic splits such as crop and acres, head of livestock, as well as specific geographic targeting by state, county, zip code, or area code.
Ask about using CCI Marketing's proprietary online marketing tool - AgNewsCenter - to direct and manage both your e-mail and USPS printed direct mail campaigns, utilizing existing databases, in combination with CCI Market's. The distribution service is a great alternative to agriculture-related companies having to gather contact information and then attempt to send bulk e-mail on their own.
We e-mail only to "Opt-In" e-mail databases which eliminate the need for your company to have to deal with 'spam-cops'. As we handle the distribution there's no risk your company e-mail webserver will be attacked or shut down.
Established in 1986 with mailing addresses, the distribution service was expanded to include e-mail addresses in 1995 and the database is continually being updated and refined based on new company information, opt-in, and opt-out requests.
Companies can choose to e-mail new product or service advertorial material to as few as 300 names, or to CCI�s entire database. Recipients will receive one e-mail, which includes both a text and HTML version. CCI Marketing uses advanced technology to determine which version they open, based on their e-mail software and Internet connectivity. Individual hyperlink 'click-throughs' can be tracked and reported on.
Website development
On-line credit card transaction capabilities
e-mail discussion group development
Website InfoNetworkers -- we'll help you develop, maintain & update a home page or website on the Internet. But most importantly, we'll make sure your home page is linked to the top agricultural information sites to insure maximum visitation from prospective buyers.
Contact us today to find out more about rental of our Top Grower and Rancher e-mail Database and our other Internet Marketing services. Phone Warren E. Clark at 847.836.5100 or e-mail [email protected]